Draconian(ic) laws(code) Драконы (драконовские) законы (меры)
Draconian laws are extremely harsh and cruel laws. The laws are called after Draco, an Athenian law-giver of the 7th century В. C. Draco devised a code of laws, which were so severe that, as a Greek orator said, they were written in human blood. Every violation of a law was made in this code a capital offence. Idleness, as well as murder, was punished with death, and when Draco was asked to give his reason for this, he replied that even the smallest crimes deserved death, and there could be no higher punishment for the greater ones.
Нескучное онлайн-обучение английскому языку с помощью игр и интересных заданий Присоединяйтесь к 23 миллионам пользователей Lingualeo Скажите, что такое Драконовы законы? Они имеют
какое-нибудь отношение к сказочному чудовищу?
Oh, no. The Draconian laws are called
after Draco. The mythical dragon has noth"
ing to do with them, as far as I know.
Видимо, Дракон был законодателем. И давно он
Не lived in the 7th century before our era.
Ну, конечно, опять древняя история, мое уязвимое
место. Наверно, Ассирия или Вавилония?
No, Draco was an Athenian law-giver. He
lived in Athens, one of the foremost cities of
И чем же особенным отличались его законы? Почему он так прославился?
It was notoriety that he earned, not fame.
His laws were extremely harsh and cruel.
He made every crime a capital offence. The
laws set terrible penalties even for the smallest crimes.